Peter Bourke
25 June 2021
The NSW Premier today announced a lockdown for Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong from 6pm today (26 June) until 11.59pm Friday, 9 July.
The NSW Premier today announced a lockdown for Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong from 6pm today (26 June) until 11.59pm Friday, 9 July.
Everyone in those regions must stay at home unless it is for an essential reason.
The reasons you may leave your home include:
Shopping for food or other essential goods and services;
Medical care or compassionate needs (people can leave home to have a COVID-19 vaccination unless you have been identified as a close contact);
Exercise outdoors in groups of 10 or fewer;
Essential work, or education, where you cannot work or study from home.
- Community sport will not be permitted during this period.
- Masks must be worn at any time indoors outside the home residence
Is retail permitted?
Essential retail stores and supermarkets are permitted to open.
At 5pm on Sat 26 June, services NSW defines 'essential role or service' as any role that cannot be undertaken by working at home.
Therefore, bicycle retail and repair is currently permitted
- BIA will continue to monitor that definition
In all other parts of NSW the following restrictions will apply to businesses:
People who have been in the Greater Sydney region (including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong) on or after June 21 should follow the stay-at-home orders for a period of 14 days after they left Greater Sydney.
Visitors to households will be limited to 5 guests – including children;
Masks will be compulsory in all indoor non-residential settings, including workplaces, and at organised outdoor events;
Drinking while standing at indoor venues will not be allowed;
Dance and gym classes limited to 20 per class (masks must be worn);
The one person per four square metre rule will be re-introduced for all indoor and outdoor settings, including weddings and funerals
Bike shops can still operate.
All staff not required to be physically in the store must work from home.
Staff that live outside the area, but work in a business located in the area must abide by the lockdown conditions.
Indoor bike classes cannot operate (indoor exercise is not permitted)
Shop rides of 10 or fewer are permitted, but strongly recommended not to go ahead
Shops that supply food or drink can only do so on a takeaway basis
All staff and customers must wear a mask while in the business
1 person per 4sqm within the business
Indoor bike classes can operate (masks must be worn)
Premiers media release and full list of restrictions can be read at https://www.nsw.gov.au/media-releases/covid-19-restrictions-extended-nsw
Individuals who are not able to work due to restrictions, may be eligible for Covid Disaster payments funding - go to www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/covid19
If you require someone to talk to about any issues or need help to support someone else - please contact the Covid Mental health wellbeing support service on 1800 51 23 84 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636
Regards Peter