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WA Covid update

Peter Bourke

22 Apr 2021

West Australian Premier Mark McGowan has announced Perth and the Peel region will enter a three-day lockdown from midnight tonight.

Masks will be mandatory from 6:00pm.

From midnight, people need to stay in the Perth and Peel regions and won't be able to leave unless they have an exemption, Mr McGowan says.

"There will be four reasons to leave your house.

These are;

Work if you can't work from home or remotely
Shopping for essentials like groceries, medicine and necessary supplies
Medical or healthcare needs, including compassionate requirements and looking after the vulnerable, and
Exercise with a maximum of four people, limited to one hour per day. Masks must be worn unless it is rigourous exercise.
"The following facilities within the Perth and Peel region will need to close over the course of the lockdown;

Pubs, bars and clubs, except takeaway.
Gyms and indoor sporting venues, no community sport is permitted.
Playgrounds, skate parks and outdoor recreational facilities. Cinemas, entertainment venues and casinos.
Large religious gatherings and places of worship. and
libraries and cultural institutions.
Bicycle retail is allowed to open, but shop rides are not to be held.
WA is entering a long weekend, with Sunday and Monday being public holidays for ANZAC Day.
- ANZAC Day events have been cancelled in Perth and The Peel Region.

If you require someone to talk to about any issues or need help to support someone else - please contact the Covid Mental health wellbeing support service on 1800 51 23 84

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